Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Me?

Maybe I think i've found something to resort to. A way I can let all my feelings out. Thank god I'm starting to get over it, but evrytime I see his face, I cringe and wverytime I hear her name, I tear up. It's not fair this is happening to me. I didnt think that something like this would happen. It's kinda crazy to believe that one day you can be fine and the next your parents are ready to send you to a mental instiution. You know when I think about writing this blog it reminds me of Gissip girl when Dan writes about all of his friends basically selling them out. I guess I can use real names. It's not like they'll ever find me. I guess you could basically call me the Gossip girl of my world. You know you love me xoxo gossip girl (;

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